Watch video of rally.

Accum Miles of Bikeways Built Chart.png

Why we Rode & Rallied

On Sunday, June 16, 2019, hundreds of people rode and rallied in support of major changes to Seattle’s transportation system. Watch the video of the rally above, and see a photo album here.

Seattle deserves a world-class transportation system, but recently we’ve seen frustrating delays and cut-backs to important biking, walking, transit, and safety projects.

Transportation is Seattle’s #1 contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, #1 factor for economic opportunity and mobility, and kills dozens of people every year while seriously injuring hundreds more.

These problems affect people who are the most vulnerable, whether by having the least wealth, by racial inequality, by age, or by ability.

Compared with the 2014 Bicycle Master Plan, SDOT’s current pace of bikeway development is less than half of what’s needed, and 27% lower that what the Move Seattle Levy funded. At the same time, major transit projects have been cut back, pedestrians are being deprioritized at major intersections, and sidewalks and curb ramps aren’t being built nearly fast enough.

This is unacceptable. That’s why we’re rallied and rode on June 16 to send a clear message that Seattleites expect their leaders to act boldly on building walking, biking, and transit infrastructure.

Participating Organizations

350 Seattle ~ 500 Women Scientists Seattle ~ Ballard‑Fremont Greenways ~ Cascade Bicycle Club ~ Central Seattle Greenways ~ Disability Rights Washington ~ Duwamish Valley Safe Streets ~ Green Lake & Wallingford Safe Streets ~ Greenwood‑Phinney Greenways ~ Lake City Greenways ~ Licton‑Haller Greenways ~ Pinehurst Greenways ~ Queen Anne Greenways ~ Rooted in Rights ~ Safe 35th Ave NE ~ Seattle Neighborhood Greenways ~ Seattle Subway ~ Seattle Transit Blog ~ Sierra Club Seattle Group ~ Transit Riders Union ~ The Urbanist ~ Urban Sparks ~ Washington Physicians for Social Responsibility ~ West Seattle Bike Connections

Our Vision for Seattle

  • A happy, healthy, just city.

    • End traffic violence.

    • Fight climate change.

    • Address economic, racial, and ability inequality.


Seattle needs bold leadership for transforming our streets to support walking, biking, and transit for eliminating traffic violence, global warming pollution, and inequality.

  • Design streets to achieve zero traffic deaths & serious injuries.

  • Build out complete, connected networks for walking, biking, all-abilities access, and transit.

  • Respect and implement existing transportation plans & policies.

  • Value the time and energy of community & stakeholder members.

  • Prioritize communities historically underrepresented and underinvested in.

  • Streamline project implementation and find the funding necessary to complete our transportation plans.

Schedule of Sunday, June 16


Rally at Seattle City Hall

1:00, People meet at City Hall’s 4th Avenue Plaza, with Rise Up Action Band playing.

1:20, Organizational leaders and elected officials call for action.

1:55, Rise Up Action Band resumes playing. People begin rolling down 4th Avenue.

RideForSafeStreets - Map.png

The Roll

1:55, The Roll begins, parade-like, with people riding, rolling, strolling, and walking.

We encourage groups to roll together with their own signs and art. Transit groups may create a giant cardboard bus and walk inside it. Climate groups may dress-up in polar bear suits. The “Big Wheel” bicycle lobby may ride high-wheelers. Your imagination and good sense are your only limits.

Everyone is encouraged to play music, whether it’s acoustic or from mobile speakers.

Everyone should obey traffic laws, and roll at a comfortable pace for people of all abilities around them.


Party at Westlake Park

1:50, Band begins playing from stage

2:00, People begin to arrive at Westlake Park

3:00, Band ends set