Turning Action into Action

There are three progressive efforts right now to move forward on Seattle’s transportation issues: the Green New Deal, the MASS Transportation Package, and the “For Safe Streets” Report recommendations.

Seattle Green New Deal

Championed by the organizations Got Green and 350 Seattle, the Seattle Green New Deal is a suite of municipal climate policies and actions that will be developed and adopted over time by advocates and Seattle City Council. In late June, the city council adopted a resolution supporting the Green New Deal. As policies are developed and adopted, expect the legislation to follow goals of: (A) addressing climate change; (B) investing in communities historically harmed by injustices; (C) transitioning the economy to an equitable sharing of resources; and (D) creating local, well-paying jobs.

MASS Transportation Package

The MASS Transportation Package (FAQ PDF) is a proposal from the MASS Coalition to make walking, rolling, biking, and using transit in Seattle safer and more accessible. It’s not a comprehensive vision for transportation in Seattle, but it is a set of projects and policies the MASS Coalition believes the City can advance rapidly in 2019. The package includes long overdue policy reforms and investments in sidewalks, bus lanes, and bike paths that our growing city needs.

The initial set of proposals includes:

  1. A Bicycle Safety Ordinance requiring that upgrades outlined in the Bicycle Master Plan be simultaneously implemented when the city does major road work or explains to City Council and to the public why this isn’t possible.

  2. A resolution requesting that unfunded projects in the Bicycle Implementation Plan be funded, including all south end projects and two-way bike lanes on 4th Ave downtown.

  3. A resolution requesting that in 2020, SDOT double the number of planned off-sidewalk bike and scooter parking spaces (bike corrals) to continue to rebalance the allocation of street space away from cars and ensure pedestrian access on sidewalks.

“For Safe Streets” Report

The For Safe Streets report is a set of 38 specific and bold policy, process, and funding recommendations to transform how SDOT plans and implements transportation projects so that our streets become safer as quickly as possible. We hope the future policies of the Seattle Green New Deal and Mass Transportation Package will include the recommendations listed in the “For Safe Streets” Report.

If you support the actions listed in the report, you can add your name to show support and you’ll be listed in the report when it’s submitted to Seattle City Council and other leaders.